
Most Persuasive Word Ever?

Most Persuasive Words

What's the Most Persuasive Word in the
English language?

Which one word can help you connect 
quicker with people and strengthen your
persuasion efforts?

Do you know how this one word can
have major influences on your persuasion 

The Most Persuasive Word in English: 'Because'

Telling people the reason why you are doing
something has a major influence on how they
react to you because, more often than not,
people willingly comply with requests when
given reasons why they should. Ellen Langer,
a social psychologist at Harvard University, 
demonstrated that people respond automatically
 and without thinking when given the proper stimulus.

The Power of 'Because'

Here’s how the experiment went: In a busy library, 
one of her subjects would approach the person at 
the front of the line for the photocopier and say, 
“Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox 
machine because I am in a rush?” This request was 
successful 94 percent of the time. 

Later, when the  subject returned to ask another 
group of people lined  up at the same machine and said, 
“Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?” 
her success rate dropped to 60 percent. No big surprise here. 

What was a big surprise was that when the subject 
approached the front of the line a little later and asked, 
“Excuse me, I have five pages. 
May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make these copies?” 
the compliance rate whizzed back up to 93 percent!

Public Speaking Tip: Use the Word 'Because' 

When you want to connect quickly, offer your contact a “because” and chances are you’ll be successful. For example, if you’re aiming to do business with company Q, and you meet a key contact there, instead of simply saying, “I’m delighted to meet you,” add “because I’ve read so much about your pioneering work with XYZ . . .”

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About the Author
The above article is by Nicholas Boothman.
You can read more of his articles on: