
Speaking Advice from the Champ!

Today, I was lucky to have dinner with Rory Vaden, his beautiful wife and several other prominent Toastmasters in Hong Kong. Rory Vaden, who is the 2007 First Runner Up for the World Championship of Public Speaking, shared some valuable speaking advice with us which I'd now like to pass onto you:

  • The thing that differentiates good speakers from brilliant speakers is a thousand speeches. I cannot overemphasize the importance of stage time! Get as much practice as you can.

  • Find your uniqueness and exploit it. Let your unique personality shine through on stage as opposed to trying to imitate someone else. While it's fine to incorporate elements of other people's speaking into your presentations, do stay true to your uniqueness.

  • Read as much as you can about a topic before you speak on it. People don't want speakers, they want experts. Devour every possible source of knowledge that you can - books, audio tapes, seminars - so that you can become an expert on your topic.

P.S. Only 8 seats left for the awesome two-day Unleash Your Persuasion Power seminar! You might not want to miss this event because you're going to pick up some valuable tools: